Hodl Meaning Origin and History

History of HODL Cryptocurrency has made its rounds in virtually all news circles in English-speaking countries, if not the world. The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was released back in early [...]

Bitcoin Mining Statistics

Key Bitcoin Mining Stats For 2023-2024 Bitcoin Mining Statistics 2022-2021, 2020-2018 Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new development; the first of its kind, Bitcoin, was created just nine [...]

Antminer E3

We are proud and happy to announce the all-new Antminer E3, a new Antminer model for mining cryptocurrencies based on the hashing algorithm Ethash. The Antminer E3 is estimated to deliver a [...]

Antminer A3

Antminer A3 Specifications Product model A3 220VAC Power @25℃ ,93% conversion efficiency of APW3 1275 W +7% 220VAC Power efficiency @25℃,93% conversion efficiency of APW3  1.56mJ/MH+7% DC current [...]